
All are Welcome!

Followers and questioners of the faith are welcome in this place

Fellowship on Sundays right after Worship

Worship Service each Sunday at 9:00 am in the sanctuary at 934 Placer

Through our Facebook Page

How Can You Be Involved

Stephen Ministry

Do you need a compassionate, confidential, trustworthy, Christ-Centered Listener? A Stephen Minister is ready to visit with you, pray with you, share God’s promises with you, and above all, listen to you. They do not judge, criticize, or tell you what you should do. They have been trained to help you through the rough times in your life. Call Gold Hill if you need a confidential Stephen Minister.

Furniture Bank and Sack Lunches

Following Christ’s command to show love to our neighbor we have partnered with The Butte Furniture Bank and Food Bank to provide sack lunches for the city’s hungry and free furniture and delivery to those in need. Call Gold Hill if you would like to participate in showing the love of God through these ministries.

Quilting and Knitting

Are you a quilter or knitter? Would you like to share the warmth of God through the gift of prayer shawls or quilts? Would you like to knit scarves and mittens to share with homeless of our community? Join our knitting group at 10 am on the 3rd Thursday at Gold Hill or our quilters at Gold Hill each Wednesday.


Do you enjoy studying, having fun, food, or learning? Join one of our Bible Studies, Adult Forums, or Breakfast meetings:

Tue. morning Perkins Bible Study @ 8:30 am @ Perkins

About Us

Our Guiding Principles

Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior

The Holy Spirit and worship strengthen us

We are a welcoming and inviting community in Christ

We share the Word with confidence and courage

Our Faith Leads us to serve joyfully

We are generous with our Gifts